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      03-16-2021, 08:48 AM   #11
Lieutenant Colonel

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Join Date: Mar 2008
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Originally Posted by ntg44 View Post
My must have is staying in the damn parking lot while my wife shops inside. Can't tolerate being in that place, especially on weekends.
That's why I either go early on weekends (<1030) or late on a weekday (> on the way home from work). I do the same w/ going to the grocery store. It's typically easy going at those times. I like to get in/out so I can waste my time doing something other than cart racing and weaving between aisle cloggers.

Eggs, chicken, flank steak, skinny pop, nuts, and some vitamins/supplements are the norm for my trips. Don't need to go all the time and I keep an eye on what can be bought at a reasonable price at my usual grocery store to avoid a 1 or 2 item trip. Gotta be worth my while.
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