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      07-03-2021, 09:51 PM   #1

Drives: 2008 BMW Z4 3.0si Coupe,
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: USA

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Saying goodbye to our dog

Our little buddies time seems to be coming to an end. Back in December our 12 yr old pup had an immediate splenectomy to stay alive as he had a ruptured tumor. He was given only a 50/50 chance of making it through the surgery but pulled through even with having 2 strokes right after. He was then diagnosed after testing with Hemangiosarcoma (an aggressive and fast spreading type of blood cancer, worst thing a dog can have). This causes him to have occasional internal bleeds.

Most days he's been great, almost puppy like again, but in the last few weeks he's been getting worse. He was originally given 1-4 months to live but he has passed that which has given my wife lots of hope. I will admit I thought the right plan instead of surgery was to be put down. The vet advised no surgery due to the cost $8k (long stay and being a weekend surgery) combined with the low survival rate. This still seems crazy to me but I understand my wife's choice.

Fast forward and the last 3 days have been horrible, the poor guy is barely hanging on and my sweet wife is having a terribly rough time. This dog means the world to her, their personality's are so much alike and they have done dog agility and dock diving competitions together. She is also his world, no matter how bad off he is he always lights up when he sees her, even during his ICU stay. My wife is basically not sleeping and is crying so much it is breaking my heart, I just don't know what to do. I keep trying to gently be the voice of reason and that maybe the time has come, this isn't healthy for her or maybe in the best interest for him. We don't have any children so this is our version.

I'm going the 1st thing in the morning to pick him up another type of med that may help the bleeding.

Any advice?
Appreciate 1