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      07-06-2021, 03:46 PM   #19

Drives: 2008 BMW Z4 3.0si Coupe,
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: USA

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Originally Posted by Torgus View Post
If the animal is in pain and there is no hope of FULL recovery put it down. It sounds like you are just trying to keep it alive for yourself/your wife. It sucks but it is the right thing to do. I just watched my inlaws dog die in front of all of us on the 5th of July. Not fun.
He is tearing it up today, super happy and playful. That's the problem, he'll have a rough day or two but then weeks or months of living great again. I would have put him down the day of the surgery, I'm with ya on him not suffering. The vet said he isn't in actual pain, not that kind of cancer currently since the spleen was removed. It's more of an energy zapper. Our other dog is 14 and in perfect health but still sleeps more than the dog with cancer, so go figure I guess.

I'm just happy my wife is on the same page now it seems, like I said next time he has an issue will be the time. Before these last 2 spells (about 4 days total) he went 5 months with no issues at all.

Sorry for your inlaws loss!
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