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      07-06-2021, 06:30 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by BMWGUYinCO View Post
OMG we just had to put our beloved dog Sulley down on Saturday, July 3rd.

He was an exceptional dog - Australian Shepherd/Beagle mix, incredibly intelligent and we've been gutted since. So many people came over who knew him and offered their sympathies - no kidding even his vet of 11 years cried because of his personality. I'm not even sure when my wife will recover.

He was 11.5 years old and this just happened like a light switch - up until 2 weeks ago he was his completely happy self, then the decline happened so quickly. It was cancer - it started on his liver and spleen and travelled to his lungs and brain, all within 6 months.

To everyone who has lost their pet - my sincere sympathies. I now know what it's like.
It’s like a fucking freight train hitting you. Cancer! WTF and why do so many our our fur children get it. In a way I’m glad my little Vegas didn’t suffer for very long. One day I noticed a lump over her eye and got a CT scan. The next day she was hospitalized with IV fluid because it invaded her TMJ and she couldn’t open her mouth. The biopsy came back as a Osteosarcoma and I knew right then it was a poor long term prognosis. I got so depressed that I didn’t get out bed for three days and had to cancel my own patients. Only people like us understand. Vegas got me through a nasty divorce, but she was there afterwards for the birth of my twins.

All I can say is it helps to talk about it. My wife and I still talk about the first two dogs we coexisted with. Now we have three dogs, but they are more of “family” dogs as they came after the birth of our kids. They are good, but as I said, Vegas was the best. My wife also agrees and says her Chloe was the best.

Sorry for your loss.
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