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      07-08-2021, 06:16 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by No one View Post
Well, my point is you don't own your pet's life. Taking it away is still a murder. You do own yours though.

Some people take cancer chemotherapy for years. That's a hell of a living. To each their own. What did your dog tell you when "it finally ended"?

I would presume "1 week too early" is when you aren't too reasonably sure about your options yet. When there's "no choice" (like you can't afford the treatment) there's just nothing to talk/contemplate about. But the options you consider, they tell something about you.
Actually I do own my dog and determine it's life and that is just fine. There are laws in place to prevent cruelty to animals.

Fuck off with this murder bullshit and making people feel guilty for doing what they think is best. It is already hard enough putting down your best friend without having people say you are a murderer.

edit: I bet you don't eat meat either, you know murdering of cows and what not. What about plants? When you kill a plant is it murder? You know they can feel and react to pain right? Plants have been shown the ability to communicate to other plants to warm them of dangers etc.

Last edited by Torgus; 07-10-2021 at 02:44 PM..
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