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      07-28-2021, 02:52 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by Our03z4 View Post
Well for the last almost month he has been doing actually pretty well, puppy like again. Unfortunately he took a turn last night and had a bad episode that lasted about 30mins, he's still happy but you can tell he's exhausted and doesn't want to eat or get up. My wife says it's time and she is extremely upset but now at peace with the decision. He will be put down today at 4. Until then we are spending the day giving as many cuddles as possible.

Thank you all for your advice!
Dang man, as I lost my beloved pet around 3 weeks ago after nearly 16 years and I feel your pain. My deepest feeling for your loss.
Citizen of ///M - Town, where too much is just right

Some say, that my scrotum has its own small gravity field and when Im slowing down that brake lights come on at my buttox
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