I ate some metal today
You know those permanent retainers that orthodontists put behind your teeth after you get braces off? I've had mine on for the better part of 15 years. A few days ago on Friday, about 1 tooth's width worth of the retainer, came "un-glued". It was sticking out straight into my tongue any time I moved my mouth. Very painful, kinda sharp. Anyway, made an appointment with local dentist for Monday and bought some dental wax so it's not stabbing me.
This morning, less than 24 hours before the appointment to get it removed and replaced, I have breakfast. 20 minutes after breakfast, I realize that I don't feel anything where the sharp wire bit was. Upon inspection, it has disappeared! I swallowed it while I was eating.... So now I have a few mm of relatively pokey wire slowly making it's way through my digestive system. How fucked am I?
How was your guys' Sunday?
2011 E90 328i, 1995 E34 530i, 1992 E32 740i, 1991 E34 525i
