Originally Posted by Mosaud1998
I was just about to congratulation you on being 23 and driving a paid-off car, and an amazing E90 at that. The advice in the responses so far is spot on I think. I'd add that you should NOT get a big car loan, or a car lease, until you already have the house. Buying (or leasing) shiny objects because you can does not help your long-term net worth. Now if you want to live in the moment, go for the '19 440. It simply delays your plan to buy a house or at least lessens your ability go get a bigger loan.
To improve your credit worthiness, buy a flat screen TV or something similar, put 60% percent down get a store loan for the other 40% and just make the payments on time. It doesn't have to be a big purchase like a car show that you can pay off your loans.
Other things that will help you build your net worth: Pay your credit card balance in full every single month. Pay into your company's 401k program to the max.
There are many other things you can do but my response and the others to your OP will definitely get you going in the right direction.
My last piece of advice and I promise I will stop is: Don't get all of your financial advice from car forum members!

Good luck to you. The fact that you are asking and care about your financial future speaks well of you.