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      10-06-2021, 10:24 AM   #29

Drives: The E90 + Z4 Coupe & Z3 R'ster
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Summum Choragium

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Originally Posted by CamasM3e93 View Post
It's possible this is clinical depression and I recommend seeing a physician. It's a recurring, treatable illness. It does not always present the same way as it has before.

I was out of work on disability for 2+ years, and found what you describe easy to fall into. I developed work-like routines that got me out of bed, out of the house, and into life on my regular work days. I found that the less time I allowed myself to think about me and my aches and my bills and my various failings (we all have them) the better I felt emotionally and physically. This invariably meant finding ways to do things for other people. Towards the end of the disability, I had taken on 3-4 volunteer roles. Now back to work almost 3 years, I credit the changes in me that this approach facilitated every bit as much as the physical improvements after a surgery - all of it getting me back in the workplace and a healthy frame of mind.

Take care.
So you DON'T recommend just taking bong hits and eating Cheetos?
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