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      10-23-2021, 03:29 AM   #125
M5Rick's Avatar

Drives: M5 F10 DCT Gunmetal
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Originally Posted by ///M Power-Belgium View Post
FP-2 : "MAX vs HAM Incident" !

During FP2 , HAM and MAX came side by side over the start/finish line .
Once again HAM was playing mindf@ck games by slowing down in front of MAX.

And so ...It came to a dragrace and it finished by a middle finger !

Ain't no good !
Mercs trick rear spring/damper set up won't work if their PU starts cracking, they'll be using more PU's than we have hot dinners. My guess is they have to turn boost down a bit more to get through 2 races at least and using Bot as the guinea pig is a sign that they rolling the dice too much.
On a side note it's hilarious seing hammy walking around with his 'helper' woman nearly everywhere carrying his toiletries and essentials so he keeps his short arms free, then again there are snowflakes and there are prize snowflakes with their own assistants.
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