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      10-24-2021, 02:30 AM   #220
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Drives: M5 F10 DCT Gunmetal
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Originally Posted by F87source View Post
I need to read more about it but there's nothing online yet.

Also I wouldn't label it the "newey" floor. Sure he's the technical lead, but one man doesn't get the job done. There's a bunch of super talented engineers that our the grunt work in to turn a sketch into reality. They have to turn the sketch into a CFD model, fix any errors with the design so it works better in real life and with the other bits on the car. Then the wind tunel guys have to test it and further refine it. So it's more team work than one person at the top.

It's also super demoralizing for the people who work on the car if you just give one person credit. It's a team game. So I'd call it the RBR floor, just like how no one calls it the Allison dampener or das etc.
The Newey floor (I like to call it that) and new chassis for Max appears to make a big difference, it shows what a brilliant brain can conceive then let the RBR team construct and shoehorn the creation into the car.
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