expenses for inc. employee
<Disclaimer> Yes I am trying to get a decent accountant, yes I've got different information routes and no, I'm not holding anyone responsible
Specially for Canadian,
This is regarding a Self.emp, for there own incorporation , and sole employee (in IT) driving to a permanent place of work.
I'm trying to find a list of things I can claim for, specfically
> only commuting to work : gas, maintenance (for car), car parts, tools for car
> lunch, if no lunch room available, can I claim a weekly grocery bill
> as I have no benefits, can I claim for prescriptions,
> Donating money from company to charity, is it better than from my personal funds
> clothing for work, buisness attire / grooming /haircut etc
> I have a room (bedroom-spare) with a desk where I do paperwork etc, can I claim for house bills or part of
Is anyone aware of a forum where I can run newbie type questions
many thanks