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      10-31-2021, 03:50 PM   #1
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Drives: 2017 i3+REX, 1999 K1200RS Moto
Join Date: Jun 2021
Location: Atlanta, GA

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I'm Fried on Delta 8 Cookies Tonight!

Boys and girls, I'm going to type up a high post as I'm sizzling on a chunk of this delightful chocolate chip cookie drizzled with 50 MG of delta 8THC. I've only eaten a quarter cookie and threw on the brakes.. because I'm cruising. After fighting over the t-stat settings with Mr Moto, I whipped out the phone and hit preconditioning, now sitting in the i3 laid back in the cargo area with the rear seats folded down. Yes, feck you smart asses, I can fit back here and shut your yap . Garage closed, lights off. iPad in my hand. I

Just noticed I only have on a right sock, and I got funions in my crotch. I forgot I grabbed those and jammed them in the belt line because my hands were full. But I was only carrying my iPad, so why the hell did I stuff the bag

Got dammint the bag popped. I got spilt in the back now. Damn they are sharp. Had no idea funions were so poky.

Anyway. I just had to go back and get this post out of draft because I got sidetracked looking for a new folding knife on Amazon.

I probsbabaly should be getting dinners ready, but I think I'll go get dinner ready.

I don't feel like getting up, but I got funions in pants.

Go braves!
Appreciate 5
Lady Jane88123.50