Delta 8? Seriously? I love hearing people talking about getting trashed on Delta 8. It's like a 10+ year cocaine user listening to someone talk about how pad Pixie Sticks f*ck them up. If low level pretend drugs cause you to make posts like this, avoid weed these days, unless you go for CBD, but based on this thread, I'd go lightly on CBD too. Seriously....10mg of Delta did this to you?
I'll say nothing else on the subject.
Originally Posted by Tommy-G
I've never gotten high so I figure eating something to get high would be much more my speed since I love to eat 
If you have never been high, edibles are not the way to go for the first time. Edibles take roughly 30-45 minutes to metabolize. If you've had too much, by the time you figure it out, it's way too late.