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      11-02-2021, 02:17 AM   #24
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I respectfully disagree. I would much rather by a car at invoice (the real invoice), than negotiate down from MSRP. Im most cases it seems as if you would get a better deal buying direct. Going through the dealership, they are forced to raise the prices, as they have to keep the lights on, pay employees, Etc.

I am very much looking forward to a friendly discussion of this with you, as I am curious of your thoughts and views.

Originally Posted by TheWatchGuy View Post
id much rather buy from a dealer than direct from manufacturer, due to the ability to negotiate.

even if i have to waste my time haggling, I know there is a good chance i can negotiate a deal below msrp.

Look at how you buy a Tesla. The price is the price and there is no haggling. are those prices lower than what they would be if there was a dealer? maybe, but probably not.
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