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      11-03-2021, 12:49 AM   #29
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Join Date: Jul 2021
Location: Waynesville, MO

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Again, I have to disagree with both of you. What you are saying would make sense, except for the fact that there are companies out there (Tesla) that are doing exactly what you are saying can't be done. Do you feel that Tesla's business model is destined to fail, simply based off of said business model? This reminds me of a paper that I did back when I was working on my undergraduate on blockbuster video (and please don't take this as an insult, as it is not intended as such), and their business model, and their delay in adjusting to change. Just as it seems that more and more people are leaning towards less contact with other individuals, it is bound to make its way to the automobile market.

Just today, here are a few things that I noticed, that not so long ago would have been unthinkable.

Stopped by walmart to pick up a few things and noticed that they have employees that will actually shop for you and bring groceries and supplies out to your car and load them for you.

Nearly every fast food restaurant has some sort of delivery service, be it Uber eats, door dash, or something else.

seen an article just like night that was discussing how Malls all across America are closing, simply because no-one shops there and many folks have turned to on-line retailers.

All of this just to say that many folks would much rather buy direct than deal with a dealership.......even if it costs more, just to avoid the hassle. Now will most dealerships try and remain the same (like block buster video) or adjust and give the people what they want (netflix).

Lastly, I really appreciate the discussion and am enjoy reading others views and opinions on this topic
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