See thats the thing I "think" it would (admittedly, I could very well be wrong).
If direct sales were incorporated, would BMW (or any manufacturer for that matter) see vehicles at Invoice.......probably not, but I believe that it would be below MSRP. That suggested price is built to allow dealerships (and all the middle men) a fair profit, while also allowing consumers to "feel" that they are getting a good or fair deal. Surely, if they sold direct to consumers, the price would drop significantly somewhere in between MSRP and invoice. ADM's would essentially disappear over night. I am also going to address the auto industry in the next note to the gentlemen below.......or I guess, above this message.
Originally Posted by tgrundke
RKT - I don't think anyone is disagreeing with you on the topic of *convenience*, I think the point being made is that direct auto sales will not translate to lower prices, nor will it necessarily work for the auto industry writ-large.