Originally Posted by TheWatchGuy
Originally Posted by shoei
That's not how the world works. If he's charged with a felony, he'll be suspended WITH pay from the NFL for starters.
Then, he can hire the best of the best with the millions he has. Bail was barely over 100K as it was.
He'll be out in a few years if that and depending on how he held himself while incarcerated (I.E found god / Allah / jehovah) and glowing reviews from chaplain, guards, shrinks, warden, he'll be released a "reformed" man. Then, if the NFL is in need of a fluff piece on rehabilitated individuals or they need another headline to take away from a head coach sending stupid emails or a QB fondling a female reporter, they'll reinstate him to take attention away from current headlines.
hes already been cut... He is most likely going to be paying back a significant portion of his signing bonus as well. $10mill signing bonus, that he will get to keep a few million from, and his ~1mill salary from last season leaves him with probably not a lot of money with how young NFL players typically spend their money.
bail was set as it typically was for this type of flight risk. bail isnt supposed to be a punishment. that is what the trial and subsequent sentencing is. bail is just another incentive to make sure they show up for trial.
That's not how the NFLPA works. Releasing a player doesn't guarantee you don't have to pay or you can recoup your spendings. Even a half-wit attorney can easily say - "Recoup his prior salaries? Please show the court how his alleged (speaking as the attorney not my personal opinion) DUI in Oct 2021 impacted the team in any way shape or form in September of 2021. August, July. Better yet, show us how it impacted the team in 2020."
Please don't get me wrong. He royally fucked up. Period. The book should be thrown at him - he took an innocent life (well, two lives, including the golden retriever) I'm just saying, there's attorneys out there that can minimize the damage he will absorb. The bigger impact will be how Ruggs carries himself from now until trial.
As for the bail, my comment was in reference to the state. State requested 1 mil for bail. Didn't happen.
Lastly. He already hired the best of the best. Durst's former attorney. DiCaprio. Mike Tyson. Ronaldo. List goes on.
Like I said. This is how the world works. Unfortunately or in the case of a select few, fortunately.