Originally Posted by RKT SHP
This guy gets it.......very well written post that I agree with fully
Customer research shows "customers would like a hassle-free buying experience" all-the-while the car manufacturer gets more money for it's product because it can set a non-negotiable on-line price. What a surprise!
Is the "on-line" buying experience based on dealerships offering "on-line" discount pricing in a competitive on-line marketplace, or is it a true "buying direct from the manufacturer" market, where there is no price adjustment. Considering Tesla is the only manufacturer that currently is a true direct-sales experience, I think the "consumer market research" is skewed toward the former, i.e. dealerships offering price-competitive on-line buying opportunities.
A manual transmission can be set to "comfort", "sport", and "track" modes simply by the technique and speed at which you shift it; it doesn't need "modes", modes are for manumatics that try to behave like a real 3-pedal manual transmission. If you can money-shift it, it's a manual transmission. "Yeah, but NO ONE puts an automatic trans shift knob on a manual transmission."