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      11-07-2021, 08:57 AM   #50
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I think that more manufacturers are going to get on board with direct sales.......this conversation reminds me of one I had years ago when fuel injection first started becoming "main stream", and I used to have discussions with folks who struggled with the concept and couldn't (or wouldn't) accept that change is constant. What worked yesterday and today, might not be the best solution tomorrow. Now here we are on the cusp of many manufacturers going mostly electric, and moving completely away from ICE. But that's a discussion for another thread.

Originally Posted by Efthreeoh View Post
Customer research shows "customers would like a hassle-free buying experience" all-the-while the car manufacturer gets more money for it's product because it can set a non-negotiable on-line price. What a surprise!

Is the "on-line" buying experience based on dealerships offering "on-line" discount pricing in a competitive on-line marketplace, or is it a true "buying direct from the manufacturer" market, where there is no price adjustment. Considering Tesla is the only manufacturer that currently is a true direct-sales experience, I think the "consumer market research" is skewed toward the former, i.e. dealerships offering price-competitive on-line buying opportunities.
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