Originally Posted by mjr24
Originally Posted by shoei
1. I ain't your bud.
2. As an attorney for you to say "has no bearing on who his attorney is" tells me all I need to know about what kind of attorney you are.
3. Nobody likes a grammar nazi. It's a fucking forum, didn't realize we were being scrutinized for grammatical errors. But if we were, then someone who's touting his superior education would know it's "but you can't even spell somebodies right" as opposed to "you don't even spell somebodies right."
Again, as an attorney, stating it holds no merit on who one's attorney is, well, that's fucking terrifying.
"I'm an attorney." Lol. Great. Lemme guess, you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express as well?
 I don't even bother trying to educate dipshits like you. It's pointless. Your posts make it look like you are, what, 19 years old (and I know you aren't....so that's not a compliment)?
Here's the thing. You decided to make it personal for whatever reason, then play the victim card like you didn't do shit. Also, only one of us stooped to name calling so you can also scratch that off your victim card as well.
Congrats, Counsellor. Hopefully you don't project in the courtroom as well.