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      11-18-2021, 07:58 PM   #34
Free Thinker
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Originally Posted by vreihen16 View Post
I received next year's tax bill for our SC retirement property. After looking at that, I opened up the Mickey D's app to see what a double quarter pounder meal costs in comparison. Holy crap, it is almost $12 now! A McRib meal is a smidge under $9 while supplies last. Anyway, the *yearly* property/school taxes on our wooded 5-acres are less than a REGULAR-sized Big Mac meal at our local golden arches franchise.

With the labor cost doubling due to NY's minimum wage hikes, it should come as no surprise to anyone with half a brain that the product sale prices will need to be doubled to pay those extra wages. Don't overlook the irony of those $15/hour workers spending $12 for the same fast food meal that was $6.50 when the minimum wage was $7.25/hour last year. Isn't this the definition of inflation?

I don't want to say anything more lest the discussion cross the line into a verboten political thread, but I am happy that our household is well off enough where the inflation isn't hurting us at the moment and feel bad for those who aren't as fortunate.....
We grabbed lunch at a McD's today for the first time in months. Two quarter pounders and two medium fries came to just over $16. We were a bit surprised. I hadn't considered the minimum wage hike causing that, but you're probably right.

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