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      11-23-2021, 04:55 PM   #476
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Originally Posted by M5Rick View Post
Well would you guess it, Merc rear wing passed the load test on Saturday (after they removed the bendy one and replaced it with another one which was slower on the straight.
Again pull quoting and cherry picking of what article...

The article did not mention Mercedes replaced the wing with a new version.... You guys literally are proving you can't do research if your life depended on it. Or you guys are straight up ignorant. Literally every reputable F1 YouTube channel like the race (who have former F1 engineers to speak to - I believe Gary Anderson) talked about it on their pod cast, they said the score marks were literally nothing of concern and likely within the acceptable grey area of wing flex and redbull were only doing it to stirr up controversy and would let it die off when Mercedes passed all tests.

This also proves redbull is full of sh!t and have no clue what they're talking about when it comes to Mercedes and their w12. So Karen Horner confirmed? And max actually changed his wing so dirty max?

You guys literally were bashing Mercedes, toto Wolff and Lewis without any proof. It shows how good you guys are at analyzing details and just exemplifies your tendencies to jump to conclusions and condemn teams to guilt without proof. This cements every single post from you two in the future to be treated as nothing but inaccurate, biased, opinion at best.
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Last edited by F87source; 11-23-2021 at 05:49 PM..
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