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      05-19-2006, 11:56 AM   #37
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honestly, 95% of people's computer uses are confined to the following:

burning cd's. using wordprocessing software. surfing the internet. checking mail. its funny when they ask me if they should buy this "3.2 ghz pc, if it would be good for them." lol...

A pentium III 800 with 512mb of Ram, a 20gb hard drive, and a broadband connection is MORE than sufficient for these uses.

After that, you have those that do gaming (3d). For those, a single, super fast processor with good memory and an even better video card and fast hard drive is good. Still don't need top of the line equipment (maybe a top of the line consumer level video card).

But when you do heavy graphic design, 3d rendering, video editing, yeah you want the big hard drives, chock full of ram, dual processors, etc...

Originally Posted by JamieA
Ordinarily, I would agree with you, but my warning was about making sure that what you buy will run Vista. What you gotta realise is that the CoreDuo processor is about to mark the PC industry like a growth ring on a tree stump. A good analogy is being the last person to buy a 56k modem and dial up plan, just as the world is converting to broad band... don't get left behind...

Plus I assumed that as this is a BMW forum, people here would be interested in performance, as they are generally "top of the line" kinda people
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