Originally Posted by Teutonic
I am sharing the same feelings, and honestly, somehow, the fact that BMW took a such radical direction in interior and exterior design scares me as very few cars in the line up today align with my perception of beautiful… Hence not sure if I will be a BMW customer in the future.
I own 3 bimmers right now and plan to keep them as long as possible.
I find it frustrating that they type their doubtful design direction as being progressive. Putting a fugly gril on a further dull styled car, doesn't render it progressive all of a sudden. It's just bad design made even worse. But they are proud on it, and when your opinion differs, you're conservative.
My next company car will probably be a MB or even an Audi, after 10 BMW's in a row. Just because I get fed up with the arrogance of the BMW designers and the lack of purpose in most of their new cars (the XM monstrosity, what on earth are they thinking or FWD on their 1 and 2 series, the grill, the casting towards dragon ball Z fans, the "boomer" incident, etc...).
On the other hand, I still love to drive my e39 530i and also the X3 has a vehicle dynamics that probably no other in this segment can match. It's the continued stream of provocations towards their fans however, I can't digest.
I don't want to be married with a woman that slabs me in the face and makes me feel like a retard fool on every occasion while making my head spin with her promises of hot sex. I'am not that desperate. ;-)