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      02-26-2022, 10:34 AM   #31
How's My Driving?
Donatello.'s Avatar

Drives: Hellcat & Miata
Join Date: Apr 2020
Location: US

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Originally Posted by ezaircon4jc View Post
I guess that depends on whether one is looking for a specific car or a specific price and doesn't care about the make/model. I was looking for a 2019 540i with M-Sport. Right now, there are only 321 540's available nationally. Most don't have M-Sport or my other requirements; LED headlights and comfort seats. We found one about 85 miles from home a couple of weeks ago. Being a guy, I keep looking just for fun and I have yet to find the options I bought for the price I got. At least from my research, prices are still going up.

I drive past an auto park at least once a week. The dealers' (there are at least 5) lots are still pretty empty. The Nissan dealer's lot looks like an empty parking lot. The BMW dealer has their cars "social distancing."
Things like that don't fall under COVID related, though. Just not many of them made. You'd have the same issue pandemic or not
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