Originally Posted by SpeedyATL
In my opinion (and the facts sure seem to support this from where I stand), the package was indeed available and my dealer did not make an effort to search for the package or even pick up the phone to support their customer's request.
Your facts only support that other cars built around the same time had the package. That doesn't show or even imply that your dealership was at fault for BMW not including it on your car. These are strange times. BMW has a six-page document showing what standard and optional equipment has been deleted from which models and which production month. When we got our three X5s without touch-screen, BMW didn't let us know until the cars were shipped. It was quite apparent they weren't even aware of it until then. I wouldn't be so quick to blame your dealership or claim incompetence on the part of your advisor. You'd be better off letting them go to work for you with BMW to do what they can retroactively, though given the current situation, I'm not sure what that would be.