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      05-23-2006, 11:36 AM   #12
E90Av8r's Avatar

Drives: 325i- silver-sport
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Originally Posted by vladinecko
thanks a lot for your response. what do you mean by looking up statute in my state? do you know where i can find that information?

also, where and how can you obtain copies of those other documents?

so, if you lost, would you have to pay additional fees and penalties?

I obtained my driving record from my local county courthouse (same place you pay the ticket), the in-car camera came from my local police department and the traffic signal certification came from the Volusia county DOT. Your statute looks about the same as in FL. As for the additional fees, I think that if you have no case or anything prepared for a defense they can add additional court costs, but I think its more of a scare tactic to get you to plead no contest.
Hope that helps!
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