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      08-21-2022, 04:02 PM   #4
Private First Class

Drives: '23 M3 Comp X-Drive
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Los Angeles, CA

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Originally Posted by Onesie View Post
Where were the songs playing from?
If from an iPhone, uncheck the sound level reduction in Settings/Sounds & Haptics/Headphone Safety/Reduce Loud Sounds

If not from an iPhone, I don’t know the answer
So, I did not even know that was a thing!!!! It is indeed from an iPhone, but after checking, I found that that setting is already UNCHECKED. So, doubt it's that.

While I WAS dancing a jig in the seat, the hand gestures are off, to my knowledge, so I am not sure what that is.

Note, this only started happening after I did a SOFTWARE update on the car, AND only when I play the stereo at FULL VOLUME. If I turn it down one or two notches, it is all fine.

I was curious if playing at full blast for an extended time might trigger something? Maybe the current overheats a fuse or something? Just an idea.
Appreciate 1