Originally Posted by mrshankly01
Say someone poured 10 gallons of DEF into a 2016 328D fuel tank and attempted to start the engine... BMW is quoting $15,000 at least to attempt repair and that there may be other problems afterward. Does anyone have any thoughts or recommendations on how to move forward?
I am looking at selling to a junkyard. Good idea? Trying to get as much money as I can out of so it isn't a total loss.
BMW is probably taking the same position that most manufacturers take with fuel contamination; they want to replace the entire fuel system up to the point where fuel enters the engine. If you look at repair procedures, some will say to replace the tank too, other will call for it to be drained and cleaned. 15K sounds about right, that's about what you'd see if this were a Ford diesel truck (BTDT, sort of). Call your insurance company, this is in many cases a covered loss (comprehensive). Good luck.