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      08-28-2022, 07:42 AM   #13

Drives: 2008 328xi
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Perkasie PA

iTrader: (0)

Originally Posted by Pravs21 View Post
Thanks y'all - I passed. I appreciate the help. I think what fueled my decision was the maintenance of an older car.
I hope I didn't sound too negative but older cars can really be a hot and cold experience.

My boss and I were literally high fiving each other over the car's performance after fixing an electrical problem/rebuilding front suspension but that same test drive blew out the clutch slave cylinder.

A 30y car most likely has deferred maintenance that reduces the car's enjoyment until updated, you might not get the "magic" until the car is properly sorted. The original reviews were driving a new car and Youtube vids are likely showing the most sorted and cared-for examples out there.

E34 M5s are truly great cars, I would just recommend finding a local indie shop that understands them and budgeting 25% over purchase price, if you don't DIY.

This goes for any older car really, I find that even the nicely presented BaT purchases need significant work to sort out issues.
Appreciate 3