Originally Posted by Achievement Tracker
0-60 defines the joy for me, not handling. Unless your tracking your car, what's the point of handling? Get around that minivan going 10mph under?
Yay for you - we'll be sure to offer a cookie when you win that stoplight race.
Sure speed is great but there's so much more to a driving experience than just the 0-60. If engagement, which to me means a connection to the road and the car, isn't your thing, than so be it, but it is to so many and it is what is missing in todays cars. They just "float" down the road.
'22 M5CS, '20 M2CS, '06 Z4M, '01 X5 4.4i, '00 M5, '12 X6 3.5, '01 740, 08 335xi, '17 540xi, '98 750i imported. (yes they all are still with me)