Originally Posted by KenB925
I have not used one, I am interested in them.
Ultimately it will depend on how well you can control the temperature. I suspect you would want to preheat at max, then reduce the temp a bit to cook so you don't get a blackened top and undercooked edges.
Because it has such small thermal mass you will have to ride the temp control like you would with a cheap a gas grill.
FWIW on my wood oven I like the middle of the deck to be about 600 degrees, the dome will be somewhere between 900 and 1000. Another advantage of the big oven is that you can have a spot that is 200 degrees cooler (on the deck) if you need to slow things down a little while the top finishes. I usually pick the pizza up to 'finish' close to the dome for a couple seconds.
I think you are spot on about temp control. I like the portability and rotating stone concept but not so sure it’s worth the price. I watched a few reviews on YouTube and seems like it takes a fair amount of practice to get it right plus the flames / heat can be difficult to control with wind (something I didn’t think about). I checked with the company and they do not offer a money back satisfaction guarantee like Ooni does. So I am probably going to pass and stick with burgers for the tailgate and eventually do something better for the patio. (I’m not there on Ooni either because it seems like they aren’t really meant for a crisp crust, which is our preference. But I do revisit the idea sometimes.)