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      10-07-2022, 06:21 PM   #3
Lieutenant General

Drives: 2017 440i Gran Coupe & 2015 X5
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Orange County, CA

iTrader: (2)

Originally Posted by La0Dong View Post
Hey folks,

Thoughts needed. I was just told that BMW removed the Integral Active Steering from my x7 order, due to supply chain issues. I do feel IAS would make a lot of difference given this is a big car.

Should I cancel the order or not?? Thoughts please!

How do you feel about the option, does it really make a difference in terms of driving experience?

What's the sense of urgency to get this specific vehicle?

My neighbor just cancelled the order for the same reason (different manufacturer) because in his view the vehicle must be delivered as ordered - 100%.

So he assumed a lease and decided to wait until a better time to place the order.

Everyone will have a different perspective and an equally different willingness to compromise.
Appreciate 0