Originally Posted by chad86tsi
Are you talking about some sort of perpetual-motion/energy device, or do you not realize EV's charge at night where there is no solar and less wind? = carbon charging. Oh, but we are rapidly (almost exponentially) taking carbon out of the grid...
You are leaning on un-invented solutions to problems we already have, and gleefully jumping in face first anyway. Telling anyone who dissents that they are backwards thinking etc? There is nothing backwards about the problems we already have, and until the solutions are market ready, deployed, and scaled appropriately, it's just a dream. Your solutions are coming, but your problems are already here, and no one knows when the solutions arrive, but lets add to the load and let it be the power grid guys problem.
*disclaimer, I work in the energy industry, specifically the national grid. I have a bias, and an insiders view. It's getting worse faster than you think. Even the liberal Pro-EV media outlets are starting to publish that truth.
Easy now... he thinks the LCD was invented in 1888. Maybe him and Doc Brown found a Deloran...