Wait until CR begins including iDrive8 models in their rankings... BMW will drop like a rock

. CR reliability isn't just powertrain, something as simple as a random glitch in the infotainment is accepted by CR as a reliability issue. We saw this with the 2019 X5 back in the day which was riddled by random iDrive7 glitches. Reliability for that went from abysmal to all of a sudden above average once software updates were rolled out.
Other thing I'll mention is - CR reliability rankings can be skewed wildly by availability of data points. Case in point - Mercedes is dead last on this list. But if you dig a little deeper, the aggregate reliability for Mercedes is represented by only 2 models in the lineup - the E class and GLE. So it wouldn't matter if the rest of Mercedes 10+ cars in their lineup had bullet-proof reliability, CR is aggregating their overall reliability through only 2 cars.