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      12-06-2022, 01:25 PM   #210
3.0L's Avatar

Drives: 2014 BMW M235i, 2024 GLC300
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: California

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F-8 Crusader

Sometime in the late '50's or early '60's two F-8's landed at our local airport because they were getting low on fuel. The first pilot set the main wheels on the ground and just short of the runway. We could later see the missing strips of grass. No harm to the landing gear and he got the big jet safely stopped before going off the end of the runway.

The second pilot managed to set his F-8 right on the approach end of the runway, but in his excitement, locked up the brakes and blew the left tire. This caused the airplane to veer slowly to the left and off the runway.

Hours later a big crew of Navy guys showed up with some heavy equipment, changing the blown tire. Both aircraft sat on the ramp overnight, much to the excitement of the locals. Both aircraft were refueled and left the next day. I can still remember the loud roar - so unusual for our little airport.

Since the F-8 with the blown tire went off into the mud, it flew away without retracting the landing gear. I remember seeing that from our house as well.

I imagine those 2 pilots had some 'splaining to do back at their home base (probably Lemore).
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2014 BMW M235i
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