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      12-07-2022, 03:29 AM   #218
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Originally Posted by ezaircon4jc View Post
I can't believe someone in the FAA gave me bogus information (*sarcasm*)!

Saw a Tristar light-off one winter morning in SLC. I had to ask if everything was OK as the plane was pretty much engulfed in smoke. The pilot said that was quite normal in cold weather.
Thats absolutely normal at those engines, those are RB-211s' and the key of the smoke are the labyrinth seals at the combustion chamber. As long as the fan hasn't brought enough air pressure through the engine, the seals are hanging literally through and let slip off some moist. As soon as the internal pressure increases, the seals are springing outside and sealing the very tiny gaps off, the smoking disappears. Also nice to know, those are 3-shaft engines with indication N1, N2 and N3 into the cockpit. [/end of tec lesson ]
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Citizen of ///M - Town, where too much is just right

Some say, that my scrotum has its own small gravity field and when Im slowing down that brake lights come on at my buttox

Last edited by Dang3r; 12-07-2022 at 03:49 AM..
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