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      12-15-2022, 11:12 AM   #47
Brigadier General

Drives: 2013 135i
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: DC

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Originally Posted by hubbahubba View Post
I had a 36' sailboat for about 5 years. I figure that boat cost me about $1000/month, all in. The next one will be in the 43'-46' range. The bigger the boat, the bigger the slip fees, insurarance, slip taxes, boat tax, hull cleaning, general maintenance (which of course I can do some myself), and so on. By the time I get there, guessing $2000/month should cover it all. That said, it was partly said in jest, but I don't want to be boat poor, either.
Great to see another fellow sailor here.

I guess it's just context on as you mentioned size of boat along with the other things that go with it.

I bought mine used and felt I got a great boat for $16k. Had all the instrumentation I needed included. Slip fees for me are $2400 a year which includes water and electricity. Insurance is $240 a year. And bi yearly registration fee is $24. Would these numbers go up if I got into a bigger boat? Yes, of course. I don't see me getting into another boat anytime soon for the type of sailing I do. I have kicked around the idea of just selling everything and getting a nice catamaran to go island hopping when I retire; to bring this tangent back to the topic of this thread. I know nice catamarans go for $750k and up in the range I'm looking. But if I were to do this, the cat would be my home.
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
We might not be in an agreement on Trump, but I'll be the first penis chaser here to say I'll rather take it up in the ass than to argue with you on this.
Appreciate 1