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      01-13-2023, 01:50 PM   #69
Lieutenant Colonel

Drives: 2023 M3 6MT
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Illinois, USA

iTrader: (2)

Originally Posted by XutvJet View Post
How does one spend $100k/yr plus $2500+/mo in SS between two people? That's almost $11k/mo. My God, what are you people buying every month to be needing that much spending power per month? LOL
Originally Posted by wtwo3 View Post
Between property tax, Healthcare costs, leisure activities, travel, miscellaneous expenses, and probably my biggest expense, cars... I shouldn't have any trouble spending that and more.
So based on today's costs, which will only go up:

Federal taxes on $100k, MFJ: $8.6k (my current state does not tax retirement income. If it did add another $4.8k)
Property taxes: $10k
Home/Auto/Umbrella Insurance: $5k
Medicare A+B+D+G, for 2 people: $16.5k (not paying this right now, obviously)

So $40k/yr is already out the door, right from the jump. And I haven't paid my utilities, bought any food, done any home improvements/maintenance, bought any toys, gone on any trips, or done any car-related things.

And since we're on a board dedicated to $100k cars, let's say we want two of those in the driveway/garage. Even if we only replace them every 5 years, there's another $20k/year right there (assuming 50% depreciation). So now there's "only" $40k left for all that other stuff. I don't think we'll actually do this, but just to illustrate how quickly stuff adds up.

I don't know about you, but after working all these years, I intend to enjoy the shit out of having sole ownership of 168 hours per week. I also make no assumptions as to what degree SS benefits will be funded in 25 years. So whatever we get from that (which will also be taxed) is just gravy.

Last edited by geko29; 01-13-2023 at 02:06 PM..
Appreciate 2