Originally Posted by Onesie
Wow, ok… I guess you made yourself very clear on where you stand.
Just to comment on a couple of things:
1- it’s not “Good Samaritan law”, it’s duty to rescue. They do have a Good Samaritan law and that helps the bystander.
2- you would yourself film a person burning to death for clout just because you thought they “did it to themselves”? That’s pretty sadistic.
3- cars don’t blow up.
No more needs said. I respect your views, though I strongly disagree with them.
Well, I think it's foolish to think otherwise but you're entitled to your views too. It's doesn't matter what the exact terminology is, you know what I'm talking about
: there's no onus to do anything in the US.
#2 is ridiculous, nobody is saying that, you don't know the video guy, like I said, it could be any of those reasons or others. This isn't as simple as putting a blanket over an small open flame, stop telling other ppl what they should or should not do, it's not fair, for all we know, the guy could be injured/physically incapable.
#3 wrong, they certainly can even if rare (e.g. Tesla is a fave whipping boy of anti-EVers, never mind that ICEs literally run on flammables, cmon...), but again, don't get into retentive labeling, the pt is that any rescuer could've been in dire trouble.
I think to be signaling that one is a saint and should fly in w/o any regard is just silly, esp if one looks at the cause. Just like that classic example of 2 srsly injured persons, should the dr operate on a policeman or a pedo-rapist? Again, what would your loved ones think, you wasted your life over some dbag ragging on his ride or an innocent family tboned? Tell me which is more worthy? To not take these into consideration is just refusing logic.