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      01-29-2023, 10:55 PM   #18

Drives: 23 M240IX
Join Date: Nov 2022
Location: nevada

iTrader: (0)

You Canadians are having a discussion about Ethics. Unfortunately, the US has lost all Ethics. It isn't a matter of helping any more. It is how much liability do you want to subject your own family to? First, you run across traffic when there already are people at the center divider. Then you pull the guy out of the car not knowing that he broke his back in the wreck. Afterwards, you get sued by his family for causing the broken back. Even if you win the court case you have to spend money to defend yourself. You could have criminal charges brought against you then civil. That's your free lesson that cost me 250K+ to learn. Mine was a deferent scenario but same principals apply. No one was hurt but medical records were faked. Thank heaven for red neck cowboy juries in Nevada.

Whole different way to look at things now isn't it.
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