Originally Posted by BKsBimmer
I might agree with you that some of the posts and threads on this site are biased and fanboy-ish toward BMW. But hey, this a site for people who are interested mainly in the E90 variants as well as other BMWs. Most of the people who post here are BMW owners and many of them are repeat BMW owners. We like our BMWs. Hell I LOVE mine. So what's wrong if the people who post here want to feel good about their cars???? I don't see a problem.
What's important about this site is that it's not JUST a E90 / BMW feel good
forum. There's a lot of good, factual INFORMATION that is shared here for anyone who's interested. I'm very thankful for this forum, it's helped me a great deal with my purchase choice and continues to be a valuable resource.
I disagree that anyone who questions anything about BMW on here is not welcomed. There's a lot of questioning going on here. It's one of the things I've come to appreciate about the forum.
To me TTAC is acting like a spoiled kid who's mad cause BMW won't play their game ... so they're throwing a tantrum. This is hardly the PR disaster TTAC is trying to make it out to be.
The real arrogance is for TTAC to think their opinions and their readership is so consequential they can do serious damage to a company like BMW.
I agree with you, I love my E90. I still think that the exterior styling of the E90 is best looking of all the cars on the roads today. And it drives amazing, no other car comes close to it. But there are certain elements of the car that are not perfect, and one of them is that BMW is very arrogant. Maybe they have a right to be arrogant since they are the number one selling luxury brand in the world. I believe that the article by TTAC illustrates this point very well.