New to these forums so apologies if this is in the wrong place. Looking for some best next steps for the following issue - slightly long story, but have tried to condense as much as possible.
Key points are as follows:
- I purchased my used 2017 BMW M140i from BMW last year. It was advertised as, and came with Apple Car Play - at the time I did not have an iPhone so was of little use, but I did test it out with a friends and all seemed to be working ok
- Later last year I needed to take the car to a non BMW garage for a separate issue - whilst it was there the garage owner text me to say he was going to activate Apple Car Play for free - I told him not to worry as it already had Apple Car Play. Picked up the car, the original issue was resolved, and I didnt even think to look at the Apple Car Play function.
- I have now recently bought an iPhone, and when connecting to Apple Car Play, half of the screen is just white. I have attached a screenshot.
Based on my research this looks to be a similar issue to one people experience when trying to make Apple Car Play full screen without the latest iDrive firmware (but I could be wrong). I am therefore looking for advice for the best next steps - I have considered the following but keen to understand if there are any preferable ones here, or any additional ones I have not considered.
- Take it to be BMW to fix - I fear they would charge me the same as if the car never came with APC to begin with
- Purchase Bimmercode and look to see if an attempt to make APC full screen has been made, and disable that
- Update my iDrive firmware (currently NBTevo_Q184911) in the hope that resolves it (and maybe it will be fullscreen). However I'm not sure how to go about doing this, or how risky this is.
I forgot to mention above, the garage I think messed this up is 400 miles away from me and it is not not practical for me to take it back there - of course that would be first choice!