Originally Posted by dreamingat30fps
I think about this more than I should. Not necessarily being buried alive, but how do we know you are really dead when you die. Meaning you have no perception or pain, time etc. What if it's like a locked in state... then everyone is technically buried alive or cremated alive.
Honestly most of the "worse" ways to die I think are not as bad as the way many people actually die. Burning, drowning, eaten by shark etc all that is over in seconds or minutes and I would imagine at some point you might just black out. However there's some nasty diseases out there that will kill you slowly over years. I remember seeing a documentary or something a looooong time ago about some kid that was born with no skin or something like that. It was so horrific I still remember it to this day.
And that's a super rare one, but even the "normal" stuff like cancer sucks ass depending on the type.
Yeah, and death by cancer is called "natural causes."
I heard a doctor once say that if we lived long enough, everyone would die of cancer.
Come on and find a cure already. I know they're working on it.
From the
There are no cures for any kinds of cancer, but there are treatments that may cure you. Many people are treated for cancer, live out the rest of their life, and die of other causes. Many others are treated for cancer and still die from it, although treatment may give them more time: even years or decades.