Originally Posted by gmoney
I agree with you on local streets, but today on the freeway I was doing bout 100 (very light traffic) and then I simply decided to let off on it.... and sure enough when I did there a Highway Patrol about three cars ahead pulling someone else over... shouldn't an alert have sounded?
That's kind of tough to say, but I would think if he already had someone pulled over he probably had his radar off. Plus...he could have gotten the speeder by laser, pacing, or even by air.
Too be really honest, the guys who use their radar's the wisest are the guys who don't in fact drive around with it on all the time. I've been hit many times, and the really clever guys wait until you're right on top of them before they activate. At that point...you're usually screwed!
A good way to test your 8500 is to find one of those stationary radars....the ones that show your speed as you drive by? I knew exactly where one was right after I hard wired my 8500 and drove by for a test...and I actually started picking it up at over 1 mile.