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      05-20-2023, 04:34 PM   #148
ryan stewart

Drives: 2008 328it
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Atlanta, GA

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Originally Posted by jadynshay View Post
I think we should all keep this in mind when doing any kind of social media interaction. Social media can be a great tool to stay connected with friends and family, share important news and information, and even create meaningful relationships. But it can also be a source of hurt and pain if not used responsibly.
My biggest issue is how its become "keeping up with the joneses" on a global scale. Im too critical for social media, dating apps, etc. I see every filter, every lie, every warmed door frame, I know its all carefully selected, etc.

Everyone gets on insta, takes their best snaps (Ive been at the beach and watched girls spend a half hour getting the PERFECT over the shoulder butt shot) of their best vacation, new toy, etc. Then they filter the shit out of it so it looks perfect. So if you look at everyones socials you only see literally the BEST of their life and even that is modified. So it looks like everyone is looking hot 24/7 and traveling to Bali every weekend like billionaires. Nobody is going to post that their car was repo'd, that they are eating ramen because they rent is about due, etc.

But people know THEY are "lying" that way but they cant do the math in their head that everyone else is also "lying" that way. So its creating a lot of social issues for people who assume everyone else's life is great 24/7 and theirs is shit*.

*of course there is the true compartmentalized narcissist who literally thinks they are perfect.
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