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      09-25-2023, 06:27 PM   #33
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Police use of deadly force is corelated to armed suspects, if US has 29 times the guns, the OP comment implied it was because of higher portion of armed citizens, but the numbers are not even close.

My point was most criminals are armed no matter the gun policies of any country and police should be trained to not take any risks, it is a very difficult job and a person not an LEO has no idea how things will go or should go down when you life is on the line.

Perhaps women could handle some situations differently and not have to use deadly force as often, but my thought is they might hesitate more often and then be injured or killed more often than men. The news of women officers being shot frequently would be a big deterrent to more joining.

Originally Posted by Watching The World Burn View Post
I don't know where these numbers are coming from, but let's say they are accurate - if your population is 8.5 times that of Canada, but yet the US police use deadly force 12 times that of Canada, how are your numbers better?

It doesn't make a difference how many guns there are vs Canada - look at the firearms thread - I bet the average poster there has 6-10 firearms themselves. And some probably have more. All one needs is one firearm to kill. Whether they have one or twenty doesn't really impact their ability to harm.
How convenient to blame the US for the rise in Canada's crime and their police killing suspects.

Originally Posted by Murf the Surf View Post
So violent crime is up 50% and gun violence is up almost 40% in Canada. The border between US and Canada is very porous so there is a staggering amount of gun smuggling happening. And since carding/street investigations were banned there are a lot more guns being carried in public by gangsters. 12 Police officers have been murdered in Canada this year, that is a significant increase year over year. Police use of deadly force vs interactions with the public is something like 0.000001%.
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