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      10-16-2023, 10:41 AM   #36
///M Power-Belgium
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Drives: ///M3-E92-DCT Silverstone II
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Belgium

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Originally Posted by HeelToeShift View Post
Very valid and I agree. I say this to those who doubt Per, he has still won more races this year than Fer, Mcl, MB combined. For those who say it's the car, no it simply is not. The car isnt easy to drive at all, and most every other driver would struggle with it. Maybe Lec wouldnt since he like a similar grippy front with a loose rear but I don't think most would fare much better than Per has.
Spot on !

I see it otherwise because the other drivers , the other teams didn't got a chance to win a race because MAX won pretty much everything in this season !
MAX won already 14 from 17 races with still 5 races to go .That' is currently a winning margin of 82% !!!
So ..The driver who wants to win a race in this season must first beat MAX ..

Who says that RIC would perform better than Checo in the RB19 ?
RIC must first prove himself in the Alfa Tauri . Let's see how that further goes..
I'm pretty sure , that won't be easy for RIC !

I'm sure that Checo was completely taken down by this very impressive list .As you can see...
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