Hey thanks for the thread and well-wishes Lady Jane,and all who replied I want to say thank you for the well wishes too.
Long story short,I was diagnosed w stage 3 testicular cancer back in August. Totally took my family by surprise. I had a mass removed from my neck near my clavicle that was malignant. I had that removed,had a chemo-port surgically installed in my chest end of Sept at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville,Fla end of September and started a chemo regiment for 9wks. My body rejected a total of 3 ports over the 9wk chemo cycle. The last port was put in Veterans Day and shortly after I had my last round of chemo,then a few days later became extremely ill.
I was stubborn yet in significant pain and after 6 days my wife forced me to the ER since I had turned a nice shade of yellow from jaundice and my internal organs beginning to shut down. At the ER they removed the port from my chest as it was infected,dripping with puss. Turns out that gave me a staph infection and ultimately MRSA.Was in the hospital from 11/27-12/7 and was released to do at-home antibiotics for 3wks. Happy Holidays for the Oldgixxer fam.
Was doing ok until nasty lumbar pain set in a few weeks ago. Now I needed a walker to get around. As my lumbar spine is fused from L2-S1 I didn't know wtf was up so I just dealt with it til I saw an ortho who diagnosed me w Discitis. I planned on moving fwd with my scheduled orchiectomy (google) a few days later. Upon arrival at Mayo for the orchiectomy they were at 1st ok w moving fwd w the procedure then ultimately decided against it and admitted me on the spot to treat the discitis which was last Monday the 19th. Tests,and a painful needle biopsy into my T12 vertebrae showed the MRSA had settled into my spine.
I was discharged yesterday and I'm home now with my wife giving me IV antibiotics every 12hrs through a PICC line. The pain is immense. I'm barely mobile. The infection(both times) ate me up;I lost 40lbs due to the MRSA and have a lot of issues I'm dealing with. The Dr's say the 8wks of 2x daily antibiotics will eradicate the infection but I dunno.
I haven't driven my X3MC since mid November and decided to sell it back to BMW a few weeks ago,had a lot of positive equity in it so instead of sitting there collecting dust making a lease payment to sit in the garage for who knows how long didn't make sense. The drive to the dealer was extremely hard on my MRSA infected spine.
I plan on getting something new once I'm done w the IV meds in April if I pull through. Looks like it'll be a 2025 X5MC.
I've only been on the forum a couple times since this all happened and literally just saw this thread. Thank you for all the well wishes and kind words everyone,much appreciated